

Hey guys, Welcome to this documentation-style guide into the world of web development! 🌐✨

Documentation Style πŸ“šβ“

In this realm, we follow the format of documentation commonly found in the tech world. Think of it as your guidebook through the vast landscapes of web development tools and techniques. If you stumble upon a cool tool but are unsure how to wield its power, fear not – the documentation is here to guide you.

  • Navigate through the pages using the handy back and forward buttons at the bottom.
  • Stay tuned for the upcoming backend and "How To Fly" sections – they're coming out soon!
  • Start with the basics before embarking on a more advanced journey into either frontend or backend realms.
  • The "How To Fly" section awaits when you're ready to tackle grand projects or conquer hackathons.

Updates πŸ†•β—

Right now I'm still working on this site with some others to get good content out to learn from so you'll have to standby as we're trying to release at least 2 new topics per week. To know when we release a new subject, you can fill out this form so we can email you whenever we release new content!

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Issues 😱

If you find any issues such as bad typos, broken sections, or if you simply would like to see a change/ have any suggestions for me, please don't hesitate to contact me either through email or even a DM on discord and I'll get back to you shortly. Preferrably not my insta though since I don't check it that much. (You can find my contact info here)

Feel free to explore the subdirectories to your left and get ready for a fun journey into the heart of web development! πŸŒπŸ’»